Meg McLaughlin, Zapproved: Real-World Tips to Reduce Ediscovery Costs


Extract from Meg McLaughlin’s article “Real-World Tips to Reduce Ediscovery Costs”

You probably hear “ediscovery costs are increasing!” fairly often in the corporate ediscovery world. Certainly, there’s nothing especially surprising about that statement anymore; as the amount of data we each generate at work skyrockets, it makes sense that the spend needed to manage, process, and review it will also increase.

The reason this statement is so persistent, though, is that many legal teams are still grappling with what to do about it. For some, it can be difficult to prioritize cost savings when so many teams are being asked to do more with less each year. For others, the prospect of switching from expensive-but-familiar methods to something new can sound overwhelming.

However, for organizations who are tasked with reducing legal spend, in-house ediscovery will drive the most savings. Many companies still outsource the majority–if not all–of their data processing and review to service providers. This is a great place to focus cost-saving initiatives for maximum impact to the bottom line.

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